Meat chunks in gravy. Complete and balanced nutrition for small breed puppies - Up to 10 months old
Easy-open pouch in a chunks in gravy texture is simple to serve and pairs perfectly with Royal Canin Small Puppy dry dog food
Supports puppy’s natural defenses and developing immune system with a complex of antioxidants and vitamin E
Aids healthy digestion, supports a balanced intestinal flora, and promotes optimal stool quality
Supports high energy needs for small breed puppies during their short, intense growth period
Royal Canin Mini Puppy wet dog food pouches make it easier than ever to feed your small breed puppy wet food. This formula comes in a convenient easy-to-open pouch in a chunks in gravy texture your dog will love. Not only that, this complete and balanced puppy food gives your lovable pup a healthy start with the right nutrition. A complex of antioxidants, including vitamin E, supports their developing immune system; highly digestible proteins promote digestive health and optimal stool quality; and because small breed puppies have short, yet intense growth periods compared to other pups, it supports high energy needs as they grow. Serve alone as a complete and balanced meal or as a dog food topper mixed with Royal Canin Mini Puppy dry food for a meal that’s sure to please.
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